Thursday, May 3, 2012

How to Eat a Cupcake

Funny, free-spirited Annie Quintana and sophisticated, ambitious Julia St. Clair come from two different worlds. Yet, as the daughter of the St. Clair’s housekeeper, Annie grew up in Julia’s San Francisco mansion and they forged a bond that only two little girls who know nothing of class differences and scholarships could—until a life-altering betrayal destroyed their friendship. A decade later, Annie is now a talented, if underpaid, pastry chef who bakes to fill the void left in her heart by her mother’s death. Julia, a successful businesswoman, is tormented by a painful secret that could jeopardize her engagement to the man she loves. When a chance reunion prompts the unlikely duo to open a cupcakery, they must overcome past hurts and a mysterious saboteur or risk losing their fledgling business and any chance of healing their fractured friendship.

Meg Donohue's How to Eat a Cupcake is story about friendship.  Annie and Julia were as close as sisters, but once they hit theirs teens that bond of friendship started to tarnish. Annie, years later still feels the sting of betrayal but she's willing to give it a try when Julia wants to open a cupcakery together. Slowly those wounds begin to open again, but this time around both Annie and Julia are prepared to listen to each other.  

How to Eat a Cupcake is one of those books that I couldn't put down.  I started reading this book Tuesday evening and I finished it last night. I probably would have read it through the night on Tuesday, but real life had a issue with that. And it was also one of those that ended and I was wondering what happened next, in a good way.  I wanted more.  

I loved everything about it.  The setting, San Francisco, one of my favorite cities.  The characters were great, Annie and Julia were absolutely wonderful, their problems were so ingrained in their relationship that the time they spent together started to peel those problems away.  Their feelings were real to me. And all those little twists and turns that the author added was the icing on the cupcake.

How to Eat a Cupcake by Meg Donohue (4.5/5) General Fiction; Published: William Morrow (2012); Debut Novel; New Author; New Release; Library; Books 2012 (38)

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