Monday, August 6, 2007


It's official I'm in a slump! In the past five days I've picked several books but none is doing it for me.... I'll have to check my "keeper" shelf and see if one of my oldies will lift up my spirits!


Seccionista said...

There's nothing like a keeper to get me off a slump. :-)

Leya said...

I'm just hoping that it'll work. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Kristie (J) said...

That usually works for me too when I hit a slump. And oddly enough the best comfort reads I have are the In Death books.

Leya said...

Hmm, Kristie, you just gave me a great idea... I think I may have found a book to help me out of my slump, but I'll also be pulling out one of the In Death books. Thanks. :D